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What makes the Thai Working Culture Unique

Culture is a subject that can provide realizations into the attitudes and behaviors of a working population. The Thailand Culture Map study is a groundbreaking and insightful analysis of the unique culture of the Thailand working population. Built on 20 years of evidence-based research in the field of cognitive behavior, it provides detailed information about how to leverage, strategize and better understand new opportunities for the Thai workforce.

Using these data-driven insights, all sectors, including government, education, communities and the existing start-up ecosystem, can recognize the attitudinal strengths and blind spots of the Thailand working population. It demonstrates areas for competitiveness and innovation, where the working population as a whole can evolve through the introduction of targeted programs, policies, and exposure to new ways of understanding working attitudes, locally and across the globe.

Preliminary findings: Discover the superpowers of ADHD at work

A person sitting comfortable checking things on his laptop

Already from our preliminary research, we've uncovered exciting, and important differences from 700+ people in 71+ countries that are set to redefine the conversation about ADHD at work. And we're just getting started! We believe ADHD is a superpower that can't be ignored, and should be celebrated by everyone.

Discover what we found

The top 5 motivations of the Thai workforce

Thai people prefer to see or experience something for themselves to be convinced, are pragmatic with a focus on the here and now, and like a clear rationale behind each decision or project. They value having the right information and are highly focused on their performance.

The lowest 5 motivations of the Thai workforce

Thai people are concerned about the explicit or unwritten rules and expectations of others and prefer a Group Environment in the workplace. They have a low focus on Sameness; keeping things routine or the same. Thai people are not convinced by conversations alone, preferring evidence or data that makes sense to them, and prefer to focus on goals over problems.

Entrepreneurship and innovation

According to our F4S Research White Paper (2016), it is critical for successful early-stage ventures to be open to creating new possibilities, be future-orientated, own their personal power, have a desire to take on challenges, and have an interest in the financials. Thai people demonstrate alignment to these motivations with ideal levels of focus on Alternatives, Future, Achievement, Money, and Power.

Business building

Thailand's working population's motivation scores indicate that Thailand is especially suited for business building and is aligned to the success of mature-stage ventures. In terms of profitability, business longevity, and success in obtaining investment, Thailand’s working motivations match many of the motivational trends observed in our research.

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A lens into the motivations, attitudes, and behaviors of the Thailand working population

How to leverage, strategize and better understand new opportunities for the Thailand workforce

Comparative analysis of the Thailand working culture and those of other countries including; Australia, Japan, the US, and Malaysia

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A lens into the motivations, attitudes, and behaviors of the Philippines working population

How to leverage, strategize and better understand new opportunities for the Filipino workforce

Comparative analysis of the Philippines' working culture and those of some of its major trade partners including; the US, Australia, Thailand, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Malaysia and Belgium

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Who we are

Used by teams in more than 195 countries, Fingerprint for Success (F4S) is a technology company on a mission to empower individuals and teams to understand and bring out the best in themselves and each other at work.  

From our research and through research partnerships with companies such as Canva and Startup Genome we have led world-first research and developed technology to support human development at work.

For this study on the Thai working population, we aim to partner with individuals that deeply care about advancing research that will support people to understand themselves and others, and to bring out the best in each other at work.

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